订 货 号: PH计 多参数变送器 M4002XH TYPE1 pH传感器InPro4260i/SG/120 数字电缆线 AK9/3m 电极护套STHO/D12/NS/070/316L/S19流通池 FF40变送器安装附件 2in 管装件 型号: PH计 多参数变送器 M4002XH TYPE1 pH传感器InPro4260i/SG/120 数字电缆线 AK9/3m 电极护套STHO/D12/NS/070/316L/S19...
The influence of the FeNiMnSiB master alloy addition to AISI 316L stainless steel powder on its properties was under investigation.The master alloy creates starts sintering process at lower temperatures than elemental boron.The amount of solidified eutectic liquid phase may be calculated and controlled...
Influence of mechanical alloying on surface layer of P/M AISI 316L powder with addition of FeNiMnSiB master alloyMechanical alloyingStainless steelBoronSuperficial layerMaster alloySinteringIn this study, the microstructure, structure, andKozubTadeusz...
Influence of mechanical alloying on surface layer of P/M AISI 316L powder with addition of FeNiMnSiB master alloydoi:10.1016/j.surfcoat.2016.05.078MechanicalalloyingStainlesssteelBoronSuperficiallayerMasteralloySinteringIn this study, the microstructure, structure, and thickness of the surface layer, ...
This paper describes the influence of the duration of mechanical alloying on the sintering behaviour of 316L stainless steel powder with the addition of FeNiMnSiB master alloy. Dilatometric, calorimetric, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Light Optical Microscopy, microstructural, hardness, and microhardness ...
This paper describes the influence of the duration of mechanical alloying on the sintering behaviour of 316L stainless steel powder with the addition of FeNiMnSiB master alloy. Dilatometric, calorimetric, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Light Optical Microscopy, microstructural, hardness, and microhardness ...
Influence of mechanical alloying on surface layer of P/M AISI 316L powder with addition of FeNiMnSiB master alloyMechanical alloyingStainless steelBoronSuperficial layerMaster alloySintering•The mechanical alloying allows to obtain thickened surface layer.•Prolonged mechanical alloying allows to equalize...