NS-USBloader is:A PC-side installer for Huntereb/Awoo-Installer / other compatible installers (USB and Network supported) and XorTroll/Goldleaf (USB) NSP installer. Alternative to default usb_install_pc.py, remote_install_pc.py, GoldTree/Quark. RCM payload tool that works on Windows, macOS ...
Also, please go to 'Settings' tab of NS-USBloader after first installation and check 'Allow XCI / NSZ / XCZ files selection for TinFoil' option. This installer can install not only NSPs but a way more formats! Usage Linux: Install JRE/JDK 8u60 or higher (openJDK is good. Oracle's ...
JRE/JDK 8u60 or higher for Windows JDK 11 for MacOS and Linux Supported GoldLeaf versions GoldLeaf versionNS-USBloader version v0.5 v0.4 - v0.5.2, v0.8+ v0.6 none v0.6.1 v0.6 v0.7 - 0.7.3 v0.7+ v0.8 - 0.9 v1.0+ where '+' means 'any next NS-USBloader version'. Awoo Installer...
JRE/JDK 8u60 or higher for Windows JDK 11 for MacOS and Linux Supported GoldLeaf versions GoldLeaf versionNS-USBloader version v0.5 v0.4 - v0.5.2, v0.8+ v0.6 none v0.6.1 v0.6 v0.7 - 0.7.3 v0.7+ v0.8 v1.0+ where '+' means 'any next NS-USBloader version'. Awoo Installer support...
NS-USBloader is a PC-side TinFoil (USB and Network) and GoldLeaf (USB) NSP installer. Replacement for default usb_install_pc.py, remote_install_pc.py (never ever use this. even if you brave. no idea why it works.) and GoldTree. With GUI and cookies. Works on Windows, macOS and ...
Build setup updated to generate sources for Java 11. This means, that now in linux and mac you have to install JDK11 or higher. macOS M1 users, there is ans-usbloader-7.0-m1.jarbuilt for you! Works with any JDK, so no need to search and install something special. I've tested it ...
NS-USBloader is a PC-side Adubbz/TinFoil (version 0.2.1; USB and Network) and GoldLeaf (USB) NSP installer. Replacement for default usb_install_pc.py, remote_install_pc.py (never ever use this. even if you brave. no idea why it works.) and GoldTree.With...
Following packaging ns-usbloader to NixOS I did some work on making maven generate reproducible jar files following the advice on https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-reproducible-builds.html...
Alternative build for Windows 10 is recommended for all Windows 10 users. It also works well on Linux and any other Windows PC and even on macOS Mojave, but doesn't work on all previous versions of macOS.'Status' = 'Uploaded' that appears in the table does not mean that file has been...