Nitrate is a primary nutrient for plant growth, but its levels in soil can fluctuate by several orders of magnitude. Previous studies have identified Arabidopsis NRT1.1 as a dual-affinity nitrate transporter that can take up nitrate over a wide range of concentrations. The mode of action of ...
Nitrate is a primary nutrient for plant growth, but its levels in soil can fluctuate by several orders of magnitude. Previous studies have identified Arabidopsis NRT1.1 as a dual-affinity nitrate transporter that can take up nitrate over a wide range of concentrations. The mode of action of NRT...
KnownIngestionMode KnownKillChainIntent KnownKind KnownMatchingMethod KnownMicrosoftSecurityProductName KnownOperator KnownOutputType KnownOwnerType KnownPermissionProviderScope KnownPollingFrequency KnownProviderName KnownRegistryHive KnownRegistryValueKind KnownRepoType KnownSecurityMLAnalyticsSettingsKind KnownSettingKind Kn...
7500(config)# policy-map police 7500(config-pmap)# class group2 7500(config-pmap-c)# police bps burst-normal burst-max conform-action action exceed-action action violate-action action De set-clp-submit opdracht wordt ondersteund vanaf Cisco IOS® softwarerelease 12.1(5)T op...
writerConfig.setOpenMode(OpenMode.CREATE_OR_APPEND); writer =newTrackingIndexWriter(newIndexWriter(cachingDir, writerConfig)); manager =newSearcherManager(writer.getIndexWriter(),true,newSearcherFactory()); thread =newControlledRealTimeReopenThread<>(writer, manager, targetMaxStale, targetMinStale); ...
ActionResponse ActionResponse.Definition ActionResponse.DefinitionStages ActionResponse.DefinitionStages.Blank ActionResponse.DefinitionStages.WithCreate ActionResponse.DefinitionStages.WithEtag ActionResponse.DefinitionStages.WithLogicAppResourceId ActionResponse.DefinitionStages.WithParentResource ActionResponse.DefinitionSta...
了解ATM VC 的 VBR-nrt 服务类别和流量整形 目录 简介 先决条件 要求 使用的组件 规则 背景信息 为什么要使用流量整形? 什么是数据流策略? 每秒信元数与接口端口速度的比较 Cisco 接口支持的速率值 了解 VBR-nrt VC 查看 VBR-nrt 突发 在两个终端上配置唯一整形值 流量整形问题的故障排除 输出丢弃 Ping 失败 ...
@@ -264,7 +264,8 @@ public IEnumerable<IInstructionHandler> GetHandlers(bool paranoidMode, bool rewr .MapFacade<SObject, ObjectFacade>() .MapFacade<SoundEffect, SoundEffectFacade>() .MapFacade<SpriteText, SpriteTextFacade>() .MapFacade<Stats, StatsFacade>() .MapFacade<Stats, StatsFacade_16...
Tickets can be issued in different forms: the ticketing mode must always be chosen according to the Carrier's ticketing conditions and the Distribution partner's technical limitations. Online sales If carriers sell tickets online, the conditions below are to apply. Online sales are made via th...
acapitalist mode 资本家方式[translate] afilled pitcher 被填装的投手[translate] aMachine Room 机器室[translate] asniper goblin 狙击手恶鬼[translate] aWe must get along with our classmates at school. 我们必须与我们的同学相处在学校。[translate] ...