患者疼痛评估NRS评分7分,医生给予盐酸羟考酮缓释片10mg滴定,以下说法正确的是()。 A.患者已服用多种阿片类药物,属于阿片类耐受患者,不需滴定 B.患者虽服用多种阿片类药物,但剂量不够,属于阿片类非耐受患者,需要滴定 C.盐酸羟考酮缓释片可作为滴定药物使用 ...
I've had to reduce the resolution to 720, disable all forms of recording/capture, remove everything else off the internal storage and delete single player from the "add-ons" list just to make it perform somewhat stable, with each action taken separately and resulting in slight improvement. ...
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基于无线电接入网RAN节点(600)和所述UE(700)之间的公共定时参考,从多个寻呼时机中确定与窄带参考信号NRS相关联的寻呼时机。 27.根据前一权利要求所述的UE,还被配置为执行根据权利要求2至12中任一项所述的方法。 28.一种用户设备UE(700),包括: 处理电路(710)和存储器(720),所述存储器(720)包含能够由所述处...
Taiyo太诱原装一级代理系列NRS6028T470MMGJV NRS5014TR47NMGGV TAIYO YUDEN, established in 1950, has been engaged in research, development and production of capacitors, inductors, circuit modules, and SAW/FBAR devices under the philosophy that the process of product commercialization should start with ...
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