Next, the sample cup was removed from the chamber, capped, wrapped in parafilm, and placed in a Whirl-Pak bag for postheating aw measurement by using the AquaLab aw meter (Decagon Devices, Pullman, WA). All measurements were performed in triplicate. The change in aw between 23 and 80°...
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abc, ABC transporter; acc, acyl-CoA carboxylase; acd, acyl-CoA dehydrogenase; acp, acyl carrier protein; acs, acyl-CoA synthetase-like gene; amo, amine oxidase, amt, aminotransferase; at, acyltransferase; bcp, biotin carboxy carrier protein; cbs, carbamoyltransferase; cup, cupin-like protein; ...
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近期,全国约31个省级行政区陆续召开地方两会。多地政协委员聚焦种业振兴,为推进地方种业高质量发展献计献策,建言咨政。一起来看看! 01 河南省政协委员连建伟:鼓励种子企业兼并重组 在2025年河南省两会上,河南省政协委员、河南淇花食用油公司董事长连建伟带来《关于加快种业发展的建议》的提案。他表示,河南省是农业生产大...
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