With July being Recreation and Parks Month, we thought NRPA members would like to pause from serving their communities--not for too long, of course--to read about the successes of a few of their peers. These stories highlight a mere fraction of the ways in which NRPA members make every ...
on October 9 at 2:45 PM in Room B401. Join us to learn how high-performing organizations are using location as the standard analytical approach to achieve insight and make data-driven decisions. We will share real-world examples of parks and recreation agencies that are ...
“We are proud to continue our support of stateparks and recreationassociations through this scholarship program,” said Lynn Pinoniemi, vice president of marketing at Landscape Structures. “We are grateful for the work that these associations and their members do, especially during these unprecedente...
Goal! NRPA and the American Youth Soccer Association Partner Up to Promote Soccer in a BoxANNETTE HOEPFNER, program coordinator for the Colorado Springs Park Recreation & Cultural Services, was short on cash, training resources, and volunteers for her community soccer program. But an innovative ...
Focuses on the ActiveParks.org, a Web site crated through the alliance of the National Recreation and Park Association and Active.com. Aims of the partnership; Information on Active.com; Features ...
Heard on NRPAnet: Supervision on Overnight TripsPresents responses on the query on handling staffing on department-sponsored overnight trips arranged through tour companies, especially for trips involvin...
The National Recreation and Park Association is celebrating national Park and Recreation Month in July. Since 1985, Americans have celebrated Park and Recreation Month during the month of July to promote the importance of parks and recreation in establishing and maintaining healthy lifestyles and ...
NRPA, Partners Deliver Quality Event Focused on Public Parks and Health: It Takes a Healthy Dialogue to Move an Agenda on Healthy LifestylesParks & Recreation
A Winning Partnership for KidsParks & Recreation
Park and recreation agencies face a fierce field of competition. From private sports leagues...Sutton, Roxanne