Responses were compared directly with an earlier survey of senior residents who participated in the same cycle of the Fellowship Match. Results Sixty-seven respondents participated in the survey. Based on our estimates of the total number of US-based radiology subspecialty fellowship programs, this ...
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Demographics and Fellowship Training of Residency Leadership in EM: A Descriptive Analysis. The survey was initially piloted for ease of use and understanding of the questions with a select few EM PDs. Results: We obtained responses from 145 ... Greenstein,Josh,Hardy,... - 《Western Journal of...
To assess experiences and perceptions of the fellowship application process of the radiology residency class of 2005, including the 2005 National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Radiology Fellowship Match. An electronic survey composed by the ACR Resident and Fellow Section was completed by 416 senior...
Fellowship directors' perceptions of the 2005 NRMP Radiology Fellowship Match. Acad Radiol. 2006;13(1):121-130.Shetty SK, Resnik CS. Fellowship directors' perceptions of the 2005 NRMP radiology fellowship match. Academic Radiol. 2006; 13(1): 121-130....