While the mare and her offspring were integral to the reining industry, she meant the world to McQuay. “That mare was great to me,” he said. “I loved her. She was a great mare. She was kind of tricky to put through a schooling pattern and take her around there and try to be ...
Pattern 3 is one of the longest reining patterns of the NRHA, so it can make a show run longer, but it is good as a pattern to keep a horse quiet of a nervous exhibitor calm. Penalty situations include not staying 20 feet from the wall,...
“In reining, you get one thing really good, and then something else falls apart,” she laughed. “It’s never all perfect.” The duo has learned a lot together and seems to be coming together as a team. May trains with Sam Schaffhauser and thanked him for all of his patience, as w...
对于reining项目什么时候能在国内瓜熟蒂落,高健也有自己的评判标准:“哪一天有中国骑手出现在国际赛场上,就是reining在中国的成功。” 据第一赛马网了解,本届“开放未来”青少年REINING(雷宁)马术邀请赛仍会特邀FEI国际马联裁判官道格.米霍兰德先生作为此次比赛的裁判长,以“开放未来,寻找马术新星”为主题,储备大批优秀...