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产品名称:Nordic nRF51822蓝牙4.0BLE模块串口透传 用于arduino信标ibeacon 品牌: Holyiot 型号: YJ-14001 芯片: Nordic nRF51822 接口类型: 串口 多协议:低功耗蓝牙,ANT,2.4G SWD编程器(SWDIO,SWCLK,VDD,GND) 天线类型: PCB天线 调制模式: 组网低功耗 智能应用 文件下载 产品说明:...
在这类改造方式下,我搜到比较常用的是采用Arduino平台,尽管十分喜欢这个方案,但是奈何看了好几个帖子里面涉及到的类似Boot Protocol、USB HOST Shield等术语作为菜鸡根本就看不明白 ,此外改造用到的材料很多,组装完的模块往往很大一坨,而且我搜到的文章都是在键盘外进行实验而没有如何把模块塞到键盘里的教程,最后很...
===This branch is to provide BLE concurrent Central and Peripheral using Nordic SoftDevice S130 and also provides support for the Arduino IDE to compile nRF51822 firmware. This aims to provide fast prototyping and learning the IoT development using the Bluetooth Low Engergy (BLE) technology....
RedBearLab/nRF51822-ArduinoPublic Notifications Fork109 Star252 Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History Raw Version This is about the board support package version. Current Version Version: 1.0.8 Fix bug of Example "BLEController" : "reporting pin's status too fast for andriod". ...
0 Cart ₫135,100 ₫193,18230% off Tax excluded, add at checkout if applicable 1.0 1 Review Product sellpoints Compatibility with Arduino and STM32:Designed for compatibility with Arduino and STM32, making it a versatile tool for microcontroller programming. ...
WelcomeSign in / Register 0 Cart US $6.12 US $7.5519% off Tax excluded, add at checkout if applicable 1.0 1 Review Product sellpoints Compatibility with Arduino and STM32:Designed for compatibility with Arduino and STM32, making it a versatile tool for microcontroller programming. ...
Introduction BLE4.0 Bluetooth 2.4G Development/Evaluation Kit designed for nRF51822 More Core51822is a wireless module based on nRF51822 - the Multiprotocol Bluetooth® 4.0 low energy/2.4 GHz RF SoC designed for ULP (ultra-low power) wireless applications. ...
深圳市腾顺为智能有限公司5年 NRF51822无线蓝牙模块 BLE4.2低功耗SOC开发板/智能家居/物联网 CORE,SET品牌 48小时发货 ¥19.8 深圳市逸科芯电子科技有限公司1年 NRF51822-QFAC-R QFN-48 NRF51822 无线收发蓝牙电子元器件模块/ 72小时发货支付宝 ¥4.2 ...