修改时钟配置,由于要移植的工程是ble_app_uart,其中蓝牙协议栈SoftDevice使用了RTC0和TIMER0,app_timer模块使用了RTC1,所以我们用于串口超时的时钟有RTC2、TIMER1和TIMER2等等。 nRF_Libraries 中勾选QUEUE相关选项 添加NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_WITH_APP_TIMER和nrf_libuarte_drv并勾选 // NRF_LIBUARTE_ASYNC_WITH...
void ble_data_send_with_queue(void) { ret_code_t err_code; m_element_t data_item; uint16_t length = BLE_NUS_MAX_DATA_LEN; while(!nrf_queue_is_empty(&m_buf_queue)) { err_code = nrf_queue_pop(&m_buf_queue, &data_item); APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code); length = MIN(length, ...
/* if queue is full, message is silently dropped */ k_msgq_put(&uart_msgq, &rx_buf, K_NO_WAIT); /* reset the buffer (it was copied to the msgq) */ rx_buf_pos = 0; } else if (rx_buf_pos < (sizeof(rx_buf) - 1)) { rx_buf[rx_buf_pos++] = c; } /* else: char...
The same error may happen when the N number is too big, about 300-400. The receipt notification ensures that the outgoing queue is empty and the DFU target received all packets successfully.Number of packets - This field allows you to set the N number describe above. By default it is ...
16 err_code = nrf_drv_clock_init(NULL); 17 APP_ERROR_CHECK(err_code);//检查返回值 18 nrf_drv_clock_lfclk_request(); 19 20 APP_TIMER_INIT(APP_TIMER_PRESCALER, APP_TIMER_MAX_TIMERS, APP_TIMER_OP_QUEUE_SIZE, false);//定时器设置 21 err_code = bsp_init(BSP_INIT_BUTTONS, APP_TIM...
HTM and CGM. TheBleManagerinstance is maintained by the running service. The service is started in order to connect to a device and stopped when user decides to disconnect from it. When an activity is destroyed it unbinds from the service, but the service is still running, so the incoming...
nordic semiconductor共27 snrf52发行说明notessnrf发布.pdf,s140_nrf52_6.1.1 This is a production release that contains minor but important changes to the 6.1.0 release. Notes: The release notes list changes since the s140_nrf52_6.1.0 release. This SoftDevi
handler mode. By callingapp_sched_execute(), events will be executed and popped from the queue one by one until the queue is empty. This will typically be done in the main loop. There is no concept of priorities, so events are always executed in the order they were put in th...
RAM:5.54kB(0x1628bytes).Thisistheminimumrequiredmemory.Theactualrequirementsdependontheconfiguration chosenatsd_ble_enable()time. TheFirmwareIDofthisSoftDeviceis0x00AE. NewFunctionality SoftDevice TheSoftDevicevariant,flashusage,PPIs,andinterruptprioritiesarenowavailableatcompiletimeto ...
not when physically transmitted. With this procedure disabled it may happen that the outgoing buffer will be overloaded and the communication stops. The same error may happen when the N number is too big, about 300-400. The receipt notification ensures that the outgoing queue is empty and the...