烧录程序有两种方法,一种是使用nRF Connect for Desktop中的Programmer插件。nRF Connect for Desktop。 注意:老的nRFgo Studio已经停止更新,DTM控制,程序下载等功能已经全部迁移到nRF Connect for Desktop中,因此建议使用nRF Connect for Desktop。 下载地址:https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nRF-...
nRF Connect for Desktop安装 1、下载 可以通过官网直接下载安装包,链接如下: https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nRF-Connect-for-Desktop/Download#infotabs 也可以在网上找到其他人发布的百度云盘进行下载,如这篇博客中: https://docs.nordicsemi.com/bundle/ncs-latest/page/nrf/installation/...
The nrf connect for desktop programming works good on my desktop before. The tool shows error message "cannot find module 'usb' " today. I ever try re-install the tool couple times. But, It always show"cannot find module 'usb' " . Only Programmer has problem. Other applications still...
JLinkARM: V7.80c NRF connect for desktop: V4.2 Programmer:V3.0.9 nrfjprog: 10.23.0 With these versions, nrfgo studio won't work due to incompatibility of JLink.dll. And NRF connect can't detect my JLINK (but it can detect 52840 dk). Then I try to donwload with nrfjprog with...
下载固件,接上开发板后,我们在CONNECT DEVICES看到已经连接的固件,点flash就可以下载固件: 如果出现以下错误,我们就需要用nrf的下载工具进行下载: 打开nrf connect Desktop,再打开Programmer 10、选择开发板: 点addfile,选择好固件: 选择erase && write,选择擦除与烧写: 烧写好以后我们看到会重启开发板,LED灯在闪烁了...
nRF Connect for Desktop is a cross-platform tool framework for assisting development on nRF devices. It contains many apps to test, monitor, measure, optimize and program your applications. nRF Connect for Desktop is designed to be used with our development kits and dongles. The apps will detec...
您可以選擇使用: NCS(nRF Connect)或nRF5 SDK進行開發。 選項1. NCS(nRF Connect for Desktop) (1) 下載並安裝nRF Connect for Desktop: (2) 安裝Toolchain Manager和Programmer (3) 安裝nRF Connect SDK (NCS) → 建議使用2.6.0版 選項2. nRF5 SDK ...
打开刚刚安装好nRF Connect for Desktop工具,按个人需要安装相关的组件,Toolchain manager和Programmer一般都需要。安装nRF Connect SDK打开刚刚安装好的Toolchain manager,选择最新的SDK,安装上。 这里对网络需求比较高,否则很容易安装不成功。关于这一点,21ic告知,Nordic厂家的工程师已经在做优化: 如Toolchain和SDK分开...
官方仓库地址:https://github.com/canokeys/canokey-nrf52 下载并安装nrfconnect https://www.nordicsemi.com/Products/Development-tools/nRF-Connect-for-Desktop/Download 我这里是linux,下载下来的appimage文件右键,属性给予作为程序运行权限后运行即可 安装并打开programmer ...
3.启动nRF Connect for Desktop,并启动Programmer应用程序。 4.从设备列表中,选择Nordic Semiconductor DFU Bootloader。 5.单击添加十六进制文件,然后选择nRF-Sniffer-for-802.15.4-master文件夹下nrf802154_sniffer文件夹里的“nrf802154_sniffer_dongle.hex “。