to the Hilton, hoping against hope that they would survive the journey and allow us to demo our wares. And of course, the journey that year took quite a toll on our gear. Long, late-into-the-night hours of extremely stressful
IfRadioNotificationsareenabled,flashwriteandflasheraseoperationsinitiatedthroughtheSoftDeviceAPIwillbenotifiedtotheapplicationasRadioEvents(FORT-809). SynthesizedlowfrequencyclocksourceisnottestedorintendedforusewiththeBLEstack. ApplicationsmustnotmodifytheSEVONPENDflagintheSCRregisterwhenrunninginprioritylevelshigherthan6...
nRF Logger Library The library allows to easily create custom log entries from your application in the nRF Logger. It is being used by nRF Connect and nRF Toolbox, that are available on Google Play. The logger may be used for debugging purposes, as LogCat is not always available. nRF Log...