2019年1月13日至15日,全美零售联盟(NRF)展会在纽约盛大开幕。作为零售行业规模最大最权威的展会之一,吸引数百家展商和几万家零售商集聚现场,受到众多海内外媒体的关注。 今年,正值Intel加入NRF十周年之际,这家顶尖的科技公司自豪地向公众展示了其生态圈下一系列一流的零售解决方案。Joe Jenson,英特尔物联网事业部副...
成千上万的来自零售业最具创新精神的公司的人们在2019年NRF零售大秀齐聚纽约。NRF 2019:零售大秀不仅仅是一个节目,而是世界上最大的零售会议,包括一些最有前途的零售初创公司的奖项。它是一个改变当今零售行业,很多大玩家的创意和关系的市场,也是一个全球观众和参展商的社群,聚集了大约37,000名与会者,1,00...
The impact of shrinkage on the retail industry continues to be sizeable. The risk landscape is changing. 2019 will focus on budget, talent and technology.
New York–January 14, 2019 –At NRF 2019: Retail’s Big Show,Samsung Electronics America, Inc. (Booth #2337) spotlights its latest innovations in mobile, display and analytic technologies to help brick-and-mortar retailers serve today’s generation of highly-connected consumers, who demand faster...
InCheddar’s reviewof the major innovations showcased at NRF 2019, Scandit was cited as a driver in the effort to digitize the physical store. Cheddar noted that major retailers are currently leveraging mobile computer vision by pre-loading Scandit technology onto its associates’ smart devices acro...
REDLANDS, Calif.—January 11, 2019—Esri, the world leader in location intelligence, will be on hand in booth #4551 at NRF 2019—Retail’s Big Show, showcasing the ways in which Esri technology can help drive market growth. Experts will demonstrate how Esri custo...
The first week of sales for 2017 begins on February 5, 2017, and ends on February 11, 2017, versus January 29 – February 4, 2017 on the 2017-2019 non-restated calendar. An alternative approach is to not restate and instead ignore the 53rd week of sales for comparability....
NRF Retail's Big Show brings together more than 6,200 brands from around the globe to New York City for three days of learning, collaboration and discovery.
Jul 14, 2019 nRF Toolbox feat: import iOSDFULibrary by Carthage Jul 14, 2019 nRF ToolboxTests Initial Commit Jan 7, 2019 .gitignore [docs]:update .gitignore Jan 7, 2019 Cartfile feat: import iOSDFULibrary by Carthage Jul 14, 2019 ...
无缝隙管理在鼻塞式持续气道正压(CPAP)治疗新生儿呼吸衰竭(NRF)护理中的应用效果 发表时间:2019-12-27T09:18:23.663Z 来源:《护理前沿》2019年第10期作者:王燕 [导读] 为了进一步对出现呼吸衰竭的新生儿进行治疗和护理 摘要:为了进一步对出现呼吸衰竭的新生儿进行治疗和护理,本文在研究鼻塞式持续气道正压对于...