A full computerinterface is available, and the commandsThe front panel says it all -NRD-545 DSPReceiver. The controls are very convenient-ly laid out and easy to operate. even with myhig fingers. It is truly a joy to listen with thisexcellent piece of equipment.are documented in the ...
The NRD-545 DSP Receiver is loaded with a 40-bit extended floating point DSP IC (digital signal processor IC), a ∆∑-type 18-bit over-sampling A/D converter, and a 16-bit D/A converter. The DSP IC performs signal processing in all the circuits after the ...
545 DSPis the latest receiver in this very long and very proud tradition. And the '545' may be the finest receiver they have ever offered. The substantial size and ergonomic layout, make this receiver a pleasure to operate. Intuitive knob layout, a conventional keypad, and separate buttons ...
Dave's Radio Receiver page - NRD-545 - Premium-RX Home Page - Table Premium Rcvrs - High End Commercial - Battle of the Shortwave Super Sets! The NRD-545 DSP Receiver Versus the 535-D by David Sharp - JRC mailing list - @ www.QTH.net NRD-545 Comments/News - review by davez ...
and once listeners beganto realize that the 545 was also a DSPreceiver, excitement grew.DSP or Digital Signal Processingrefers to what essentially are computer -based "digital" techniques for processingand enhancing the received signal, asopposed to the standard "analog" systems...