The CN model was applied to the daily rainfall data of 15 years (19862000) along with use of large-scale thematic maps (1:10,000) pertaining to land use/land cover using IRS-P6 LISS-IV satellite data. The LU/LC map was spatially intersected with the hydrological soil group map to ...
The following map layers, hosted by Esri as part of the online content offerings, and also featured in the Living Atlas of the World, were recently updated. Since each of these updated data sources includes a greater extent than what was previously available, we had to change the spatial ref...
Once the script runs the first time, the maps need to be created and shared as WFSs. For each AWDB network, three maps should be created: one with all stations, one with only active stations, and one with only inactive stations. Filtering the stations is simply a matter of a definition...
Midpoint-rooted maximum-likelihood phylogeny of 305S. capitisisolates based on 37,970 SNPs after purging of recombination. The Swedish isolates are represented by black dots. The colours in the main circle describe the setting where isolates were retrieved: yellow = air, green = community...