Fallow yield/stubble yield (stubble yield x 2.9383 : x ll.08-l1- :(r2 0.88) with yield in kg ha-r. The Saskarch- ewan study (Table 4.7) gave 0.8 as the ratio of stubble yields for the drought and reference periods (i.e . , 1933-37 I 196l-1979) , so the ratio of provin-...
Tableou 4. Effet de b pr€senoe du chiendent sur le nombne de grains por 6pi, h poids de 1000 grairy Pinfioe de r&olte et le contmu en azote .tu gnin Chiendent Ann€e 1990 l99l t9E2 Grains par Cpi Absence hsence n3E 43 4 4l 35 4l 35 ISD 0.05 = 2 Poids de 1000 ...
This page lists UDS NRC codes for various UDS SID responses.NRC stands for Negative Response Codes.