NRC OIG Issues Report on Decommissioning Reactor SecurityPaul M. BessetteJohn E. Matthews
In addition, regulations and licenses require licensees to formally report a broad range of conditions that challenged or could have challenged the ability of equipment to perform specified safety functions. The NRC provides oversight of power reactor licensee activities through a Reactor Oversight ...
Aside from requiring new nuclear reactor gas vents, multiple safety protections have been suggested. Magwood and Svinicki encouraged further review of the task force report before acting on it quickly as suggested by Jaczko.年份: 2011 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...
Conf. on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology-Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Comput... The report represents an analysis of the potential gaps in the regulation of the development, manufacture, supply, use and end of life of free engineered n... 竹田,敏一,巽,雅洋,三澤,...
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) emergency response during severe power reactor accidents and provide necessary background information. This volume reviews public protective action criteria and objectives, their bases and implementation, and the expected public response.Martin, J. A....
In a step forward for licensing UniStar's proposed new EPR reactor at the Calvert Cliffs site in Maryland, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a positive environmental report. NRC and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released the Final Environmental Impact Statement May 13 for the ...
NRC Scolds Md. Reactor Operators; Failure to Report 1987 Mishap CitedD'Vera Cohn
Status of structural and mechanical engineering research at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Research conducted by the NRC Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research related to structural mechanics for reactor technology is reported in this paper. This ... S B.,Browzin,and,... - 《Nuclear Engin...
nuclear plant operation and safety as the NRC itself did four months after the accident with its report Recommendations for Enhancing Reactor Safety in the 21st Century: The Near-Term Task Force Review of Insights from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident. In some areas, however, the NAS panel urged ...
Three Mile Island-2 reactorUS NRCThis report updates a plan that defines NRC's role in cleanup operations at Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) and outlines NRC's regulatory responsibilities in fulfilling this role. Since the initial issuance of this NRC Plan in July 1980, this office has ...