It states that the company's decision has been commended from several activist groups that objected to extend the license. However, the company expects to finish the studies no later than December 2015.EBSCO_bspNuclear Waste News
nrc-cnrc/EGSnrc is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 Permissions of this strongest copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. ...
Significant work was required to support the NFPA 805 applications, and only recently has a licensee begun developing a risk-informed licensing approach for resolving GSI-191. We need to get ahead of the curve, however, and have these tools fully developed and available for a broad range of ...
(137)Cs-contaminated emission control dust and other incident-related materials to transfer treated ~(137)Cs- contaminated material, below levels specified in the technical position, to a Subtitle C, RCRA-permitted hazardous waste disposal facility and not licensing the possession and disposal of ...
Reactor LicensingReactor OperationReactor SafetyStudies resulting from Three Mile Island (TMI) showed that corrections were needed in information processing, operator training and procedures, and certain aspects of the safety review process. These have been undertaken by industry and NRC and the results ...