ObamaAAEs gun control proposals, with the NRA sharply rebutting numbers purporting to show that its members and gun owners are largely receptive to new laws.According to polling conducted by the gun control advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, whose co-chairman is New York City Mayor ...
By Daniel Trotta (Reuters) -The National Rifle Association board reappointed Wayne LaPierre as executive vice president on Monday, turning back the latest leadership challenge amid corruption allegations and flat membership for the still-powerful gun lobby. The board vote came...
ObamaAAEs gun control proposals, with the NRA sharply rebutting numbers purporting to show that its members and gun owners are largely receptive to new laws.According to polling conducted by the gun control advocacy group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, whose co-chairman is New York City Mayor ...
launched its product lines with diminutive striker-fired, polymer-frame pocket pistols, including the DB380 chambered in .380 ACP and the DB9. Chambered for 9 mm. Diamondback then expanded its line-up to include AR-15 pattern rifles. Membership with the purchase of this model. Barrel Length:...
We not only need each other, we need to strengthen ourselves through membership drives and recruitment. Strength is in numbers and there are millions of gun owners out there that aren’t members. Perhaps we need get past this and focus on making our organization stronger, better and the ...
One final inquiry: Does Binder believe that the NFA and Hughes amendment are necessary, specifically the portions regarding machine guns? History 1791: The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified. The amendment reads: “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of ...
It was a pitch that found a welcome audience among Americans primed by years of bilious NRA rhetoric. Rage at elites has long been the crucial context for the organization’s gun rights message, the force it has used to mobilize its membership. It’s not just that gun rights must be prot...