For latency-sensitive applications, lower the value of this parameter and limit the command queue depth on the storage so that write-back I/O cannot fill the device queue with write requests. When the device queue fills, other processes attempting to perform I/O operations are put to sleep u...
nr_requests 是在 queue 目录下面 但是queue_depth 其实是在 device 目录下面. 也就是说 队列的数量 其实是 队列的属性 队列的深度, 更像是设备的属性. 设备支持的深度的情况. 很多linux 发行版默认的数值是 1014 cat /sys/block/sda/device/queue_depth 如果设备有余力可以适当改大这个参数. 能够更好的实现...
…tmap The per-hctx nr_active value can no longer be used to fairly assign a share of tag depth per request queue for when using a shared sbitmap, as it does not consider that the tags are shared tags over all hctx's. For this case, record the nr_active_requests per request_queu...
# echo 1024 > /sys/block/dm-1/queue/nr_requests -bash: echo: write error: Invalid argument Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, 7, 8 Subscriber exclusive content A Red Hat subscription provides unlimited access to our knowledgebase, tools, and much more. Current Customers and Partners ...
limit requests per IP as following zone name: conn_for_remote_addr zone size: 1m (16,000 IP addresses) Example of use: location ~ /stats { limit_conn conn_for_remote_addr 1; limit a single IP address to make no more than 1 connection from IP at the same time Testing queue: # ...
of Order Delivery Link Global PDCP T Reordering Timer Link Global Ver 12.2 8 Proportional Fair Max Throughput Fair Scheduling 120 ms - 40960 ms True / False 50/150/300/500/750/ 1500 True / False 0-500ms equal portion to each queue in circular order, handling all processes without priority...
aio-nr shows the current system-wide number of asynchronous io requests. . aio-max-nr allows you to change the maximum value aio-nr can grow to. 推荐设置 fs.aio-max-nr = 1xxxxxx . PostgreSQL, Greenplum 均未使用io_setup创建aio contexts. 无需设置。
命令: echo xxx > /sys/block//queue/nr_requests,nr_requests的大小设置至少是/sys/block//device/queue_depth的两倍,所以,修改nr_requtests的时候要注意。 [root@node-1 ~]# cat /sys/block/sdj/queue/nr_requests 256 [root@node-1 ~]# cat /sys/block/sdj/device/queue_depth ...
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10r/m * 5 = 50 requests per 5 minutes Testing queue: # siege -b -r 1 -c 12 -v ** SIEGE 4.0.4 ** Preparing 12 concurrent users for battle. The server is now under siege... HTTP/1.1 200 * 0.20 secs: 2 bytes ==> GET /stats/ HTTP/1.1 503 0.20...