install the dependencies with Expo:" then provides a command such asnpx expo install react-native-screens react-native-safe-area-context. When I run this
1. 创建ts项目 npx create-react-app xxx --template typescript 2. 配置prettier vscode 安装插件 右键选项 选择prettier 3. 配置环境变量 根目录下新建下图文件 生产环境文件:.env 测试环境文件:.env.development 注意:环境变量需要以REACT_APP_开头,例如:REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:9000/api 3.1 项...
在执行命令“npxreact-nativestart”后出现错误。 -优选内容 封装一个ReactNative列表状态管理,对比hook和class的区别|社区征文 环境搭建就跟着官网来就好了我们这里选择用Typescript的模板```npx react-native init AwesomeTSProject --template react-native-template-type...
1. 创建ts项目 npx create-react-app xxx --template typescript 2. 配置prettier vscode 安装插件 右键选项 选择prettier 3. 配置环境变量 根目录下新建下图文件 生产环境文件:.env 测试环境文件:.env.development 注意:环境变量需要以REACT_APP_开头,例如:REACT_APP_API_URL=http://localhost:9000/api 3.1 项...
npx react-native init ts_react_native --template react-native-template-typescript 使用命令初始化项目 之后报错了 变成了 “Error: Command failed: yarn add react-native-template-react-native-template-typescript” 超人小彬 2020-05-16 00:52:53 源自:5-1 项目初始化 ...
npm install react-app-rewired customize-cra babel-plugin-import -D 改写package.json 的启动命令 原来的: javascript "scripts": { "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build", "test": "react-scripts test", "eject": "react-scripts eject" } 修改后的: javascript "scripts...
NPX直接从NPM注册表执行NPM包。如果你使用npm -g,它是从你的本地机器上使用的。你正在使用nvm。你...
Description Hello, I am trying to initialize a new project by following the steps in Setting Up the Development Environment. I get an error during npx react-native init (project name) step about gem native extension. The details about th...
Running sudo npx react-native init AwesomeProject2 made it work. The download too way longer than before, so I'm guessing that it could not stream the download into the destination correctly. Obviously running as sudo has implications, but writing down my stream of thoughts as I debug this ...