This is a known issue in commitizen. If the repository is not commitizen friendly, running npx git-cz will install and use the streamich/git-cz adapter. I think this works only because of package name collisions, and do not think you can configure a different adapter this way. Share Impro...
或者项目中没有创建git仓库 1. 在执行husky命令git提示一直在报错,如下 c2463150b324691da4bb092b4640027.png 我这边自己的原因:是本地没有git仓库 //git命令创建仓库 git init 2.另外在后面执行**npx husky add .husky/commit-msg 'npx --no-install commitlint --edit "$1"' **提示报错信息如下 微信...
@babel/preset-env, @babel/register, @nearmap/eslint-config-base, babel-core, babel-jest, commitizen, cz-conventional-changelog, eslint, jest-cli, npx-run, remark-cli, remark-lint, remark-preset-lint-recommended, rimraf, semantic-release ...