NAT66: 全称为Network Address Translation for IPv6 to IPv6,是一种更广泛的IPv6地址转换技术。 它不仅包含NPTv6这种前缀转换方式,还包括静态NAT66等其他转换方式。 NAT66的主要作用是保护内部网络的真实IPv6地址不被外部直接暴露,同时帮助扩展IPv6地址空间和简化路由配置。 静态NAT66是一种一对一的地址映射方式,...
2.配置NPTv6 #选择“网络> NAT66 > NAT66前缀转换”,进入NAT66前缀转换页面。 #单击<新建>按钮,新建NAT66前缀转换,将源IPv6地址前缀FEC0:FEC0:FEC0:1010::/64替换为2019:2019:2019:1010::/64,配置如下图所示。 图-2新建NAT66前缀转换 #单击<确定>按钮,完成NAT66前缀转换配置。
NPTv6 guarantees checksum neutrality, i.e. the converted IPv6 address is changed so that the checksum in the IPv6 packet does not have to be adjusted. Therefore, an address X is not converted exactly 1:1 to address Y, but 16 bits must be encoded in the address for checksum neutrality ...
Once you have that done, then would it possible to just NPTv6 the LAN ULA addresses to the GUA prefix for that interface? Author bimbar commented Nov 3, 2021 The prefix for the WAN interface is different from the prefix we need. Also, this prefix is not going to be set on any ...
NPTv6 is the router where we configure NPTv6. H3 is some host on the Internet. The 2001:DB8:0:2::/64 prefix on the loopback 0 interface of NPTv6 is the global prefix that we want to translate to. I pre-configured my devices with IPv6 addresses and static routes so that we have...
NAT66的其中一种地址转换方式。源IPv6地址经过NPTv6转换后,IPv6的网络前缀会被新的网络前缀替换。根据转换前后前缀的变化,将前缀变化的补偿值加到接口ID上。一般适用于在IPv6数量较多且对转换后的IP地址不敏感的场景。 静态NAT66 NAT66的其中一种地址转换方式。源IPv6地址经过静态NAT66转换后,IPv6的网络前缀会被...
Chapter: NPTv6 Support The NPTv6 feature supports IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation (NPTv6) which enables a router to translate an IPv6 packet header to IPv6 packet header and vice versa. The IPv6-to-IPv6 Network Prefix Translation (NPTv6) provides a mechanism to tr...
Commitnet/firewall - NPTv6 work for opnsense/core#6383 , rearange template. Browse files master AdSchellevis committed Jan 3, 2024 1 parent b07f9ee commit f6deef2 Showing 8 changed files with 89 additions and 17 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified ...