NPTEL,全称为National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning,中文解读为“国家技术增强学习方案”。这个缩写词在学术界和教育领域中扮演着重要角色,其目标是通过数字化手段提升学习体验。它是由印度政府支持的项目,旨在建立一个数字图书馆,提供在线和互动式的教育资源。NPTEL的缩写词在学术英语中具有一...
印度政府支持的国家技术强化学习项目(NPTEL)寻求建立一个数字图书馆,并创建在线及互动课程。 该项目迄今已录制了5000 …|基于5个网页 2. 学习国家项目 6. 技术增强学习国家项目(NPTEL)是由印度理工学院(IITs)和印度科学协会联合创办的开放式课程。该项目由印度人力资源发 … ...
" NPTEL is now the world's largest electronic repository of video courses and has also attained the status of being the world's most highly- viewed higher technical education portal accessed by users in India and other countries," Sibal said. IITs offer lectures & courses free for all on ...
8 Bayesian estimation andinimaxity 5 Large sample properties ofstimators:consistency,asymptoticormal ityand asymptotic efficiency 5eferences: Casel la,Georg..
Advanced Complex Analysis Ⅱ 高等复分析Ⅱ 纯英字幕 NPTEL 印度科学研究所课程共计44条视频,包括:0.说明、01. Mod-01 Lec-01 Properties of the Image of an Analytic Function Introduction t、02. Mod-01 Lec-02 Recalling Singularities of Analytic Functions Non-i
Educational Videos Lectures from NPTEL. IIT (Kharagpur, Bombay, Delhi, Chennai, Kanpur, Guwahati), MIT, Stanford Video Lectures & Tutorials
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NPTEL – Mechanical Engineering – Nonlinear Vibration Joint initiative of IITs and IISc – Funded by MHRD Page 3 of 31 10.Wanda Szemplinska-Stupnicka, The Behavior of Nonlinear Vibrating Systems, Vol 1 &2, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990 ...
1NPTEL Web Course onROBOTICS: AdvancedConcepts and AnalysisAshitava GhosalDept. of Mechanical Engineering&Centre for Product Design and ManufactureIndian Institute of ScienceBangalore 560 012Email:asitava@mecheng.iisc.ernet.inURL: 0:Preface, In...