As shown in Supplementary Table S2 (descending order), a total of 353, 166 and 83 alleles were identified through sequence-based approaches, while 241, 125 and 59 alleles were identified by length-based approaches for A-STRs, Y-STRs and X-STRs, respectively. An increase in the allele ...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. FTIR spectrum of F. vitifolia L. Mattei CNPs. 3.3. SEM & EDX analysis The shape of biosynthesized chitosan nanoparticles is investigated using SEM, as shown in Fig. 3a–b. All of the nanomaterials had an oval form and a morphology that was ...
S2). Collectively, the data suggested that TiO2 NPs could be transferred to offspring via breastfeeding. Breast milk remains the preferred mode of feeding infants during the lactation period, and the components of milk play significant roles in the growth and development of pups (Bautista et al....歼16造价比歼2...歼16D战机:造价不菲,战斗力如何? 2025年2月28日 歼16D战机,这款以6亿元之姿闪耀敌军防空雷达的战斗机,背后竟隐藏着如此丰富的历史与故事。它并非凭空诞生,而是经过了一系列精心的改进与演变。从原始的苏联...