Elias NP&P (AK) - Special Event The park held a ground-breaking ceremony for a future visitor center and office building on June 28th. Director Stanton and senator Frank Murkowski were among the dignitaries attending the event. The new visitor center will be built along the historic Vald...
No patrol rangers were on duty, so a request to check the building was made to a local agency. An officer arrived on scene 18 minutes after the first alarm; the building looked secure, so he left the area. Ranger Steve Chorba arrived from home at 3:30 a.m. and found a door ajar....
In this group there was the largest and oldest national park, and having perhaps the most complex and difficult problems of all; an archeological park; a battlefield park; a great historic house with priceless heirlooms and furniture; an old army and frontier post; and the new, and in some...
Since building the bridge involves unavoidable taking of habitat and environmental destruction, the project helps other areas in the watershed improve conditions for native fish. The Wilson Bridge project will restore anadromous fish to the entire length of Rock Creek. Anadromous fish begin their lives...
Workers building the President’s cabin were explicitly ordered to incorporate an old hemlock rather than chop it down. “Where you found hemlocks, you found particularly beautiful areas with unique ecosystems, shaded streams with brook trout and specific songbirds that needed that habitat,” says ...