That was about NPS income tax benefits, NPS tax saving and NPS tax exemption. Now let’s come back to the question at hand: What would be the final corpus and pension Rs 50,000 is invested every financial year in NPS Tier 1 account till the age of 60? Before we do NPS calculations ...
40% of the accumulated corpus utilised for the purchase of the annuity is tax-exempt. Of the remaining 60% corpus withdrawn by the NPS subscriber at the time of retirement, 40% is tax-exempt and 20% is taxable. The tax exemption is now extended to the entire 60%. ...
Switching your EPF contribution to NPS scheme is basically trading in an investment with assured returns, for investments with varying exposure and returns (but you also get an additional tax exemption with NPS).While the return on EPF savings this year is expected to be around 8.5%, the NPS ...