Cultural differences can influence NPS scores a lot. There is a tendency for different regions to rate companies with varying degrees of enthusiasm.For example, in some countries, customers are less willing to use the top end of any scale, whilst others opt for the extremes, avoiding the middl...
The same attitude spills over to NPS survey responses as well. The scores that customers give will be largely influenced by regional practices and cultural beliefs. To repeat the same example of US and Asian customers, US customers are generous when it comes to giving 5-star reviews or high ...
In just 5 years, Salesforce expanded its workforce from 13,000 people to 32,000. On-boarding thousands of new hires each year provided multiple challenges for the company as it needed to adjust its operational, cultural, and technological capabilities. ...
Stone cultural heritage materials are often subject to degradation phenomena that are related to the environment they are exposed to. It is hence crucial to protect them and to improve the products employed to reduce the degradation effects [1], [2], [3]. Biodegradation is considered one of ...
abandoned mine area to be remediated on NPS land in the Mojave Desert. The successful restoration of the Valgold Ore Processing Area is due to the hard work of many involved in this committed NPS project and exemplifies how restoration can protect natural resources, the community, and wildlife ...
the DO level was gradually raised until it reached about 89% saturation at the end of the cultural period. As a result of the combined effects of shear stress and glucose deficiency, the quantity of produced cells was significantly reduced. The controlled factors of aeration, agitation, and DO...
Pecos Cultural Resources Inventory Survey Euro-American Artifact Data Base: Functional and Descriptive Data Tables REFERENCES CITED INDEX(omitted from the online edition) 1.1North-central New Mexico with the location of Pecos National Historical Park ...
Preservationists should be familiar with the nature of aircraft and aviation history before approaching them as historic resources. Aviation is a young, forward-looking science. Its emphasis is on new technology and safetyissues. Unlike the maritime community, which has devel oped a respect for the...
AR-16 An Overview and Assessment of Archeological Resources, Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska (Kristen P. Griffin, 1990) AR-17 Cape Krusenstern National Monument: An Archaeological Survey, Volumes I and II (Patricia L. McClenahan and Douglas E Gibson, 1989) AR-18 Cultural Resource ...
Vol I No 28- February 1925 Vol I No 29- March 1925 Vol I No 30- April-May 1925 Vol I No 31- June 1925 Vol I No 32- July-August 1925 Vol I No 33- November 1925 Vol I No 34- February 1926 Vol I No 35- June 1926