为了抢先听到最新的Morning Edition(新闻早班车),我会登录纽约本地的NPR电台网站收听实况广播,因为存在3个小时的时差。 Morning Edition是我最常听的节目之一,其次是来自NPR的All Things Considered(下午全垒打)节目。NPR还有许多其他值得推荐的节目,如This American Life(这就是人生)、Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!(...
[英语播客+翻译] 科技公司裁员潮:微软加入裁员|Morning Edition|NPR 817 1 9:08 App [英语播客|双语文稿可取] 你购物车里的商品是真的吗?|The Indicator from Planet Money|NPR 747 -- 8:28 App [英语播客The Indicator] 现金支付能否缓解经济衰退?| NPR 1372 -- 12:49 App [英语播客|双语文本] AI并...
Since Ofri helped start it, the Bellevue Literary Review has fostered the careers of writers who have become legitimately famous, including Leslie Jamison (The Recovering) and Celeste Ng (Little Fires Everywhere).https://www.youtube.com/embed/9jDvJLE7H8I?rel=0 Saleem Hue Penny reads his priz...
Interview on NPR’s “Morning Edition” about Word of the Year candidates for 2012 (Dec. 28, 2012). There is a major decision coming up that will truly define the year 2012. Yes, it’s almost time for the American Dialect Society to once again vote on the Word of...
得知全国公共广播电台(NPR)的长期主持人卡尔·卡塞尔的死讯,大使馆很难过。 30多年来,卡塞尔是NPR新闻节目早间资讯(Morning Edition)的主播。 在他职业生涯的晚期,他还成为NPR讽刺新闻竞猜时段“等等,别告诉我” (Wait Wait Do not Tell Me) 的主持人。他带有磁性的男中音与该节目咨询丰富并带有趣味性的格调形成...
By Jeff Kart – Musings on the Freshwater Seas, Local NPR 'Morning Edition' Reports Home About January 31, 2025 Coastal Management, Getting Involved, Deformed Birds January 24, 2025 Michigan Leads Nation in Clean Energy Funding, Grants Target Lead in Schools ...
Morning Edition, September 26, 2005 ·Cecilia Munozis vice president of the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at the National Council of La Raza. Born in Detroit to Bolivian immigrants, she has worked on behalf of Hispanic-Americans. Munoz was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2000. ...
一、主餐一道:泛听练习 Morning Edition, August 25, 2006 • Hollywood production companies put up with plenty of eccentric stars. Often a touch of weird behavior is good for business. But as the recent case of Tom Cruise shows, sometimes there are limits. ...
Morning Edition while I cook breakfast. App is incredibly slow to load, requires significant navigation even though I do the exact same thing every day (especially w weekend edition! Just give us a shortcut or a way to subscribe!), and because I don’t get wifi in my kitchen, i have ...
4. NPR以其深入的新闻报道和高质量的制作而闻名,其中包括《早间版》(Morning Edition)和《全美新闻》(All Things Considered)等著名节目。 5. NPR致力于提供公正、无偏见的新闻报道,不依附于任何政党或政治立场。 6. NPR还负责管理公共广播电台的音频内容,通过NPR One等数字平台提供个性化的收听体验。 总结:NPR代表...