BEST BOOKS OF 2016! – (NPR) Amy Haben·December 9, 2016 NPR’s Book Concierge Our Guide To 2016’s Great Reads All Please Kill Me PostsAmy HabenLegs McNeilPlease Kill Me 20th Anniversary ·0 Comments PLEASE KILL ME: VOICES FROM THE ARCHIVES!
NPR在线收听:Looking For The Best Books Of 2016 NPR's Concierge Is Here To Help.mp3 27-Jan-2019 869K NPR在线收听:Looking For The Best Books Of 2016 NPR's Concierge Is Here To Help.txt 27-Jan-2019 4.8K NPR在线收听:Many Schools Train Staff To Use Active Responses To Gunmen.mp3 27-Jan...
Presents a compilation of interviews and commentary originally broadcast on National Public Radio, including Stephen Ambrose on Richard Nixon, Edmund Morris on Ronald Reagan, and conversations with Cyra McFadden and Frank McCort.Glenn GouldM. F. K. FisherMary KarrRichard Phillips FeynmanJames McBride...
失翼之鹰的其它豆列 ···(全部) Goodreads BEST BOOKS OF 2020(38人关注) Goodreads BEST BOOKS OF 2019(13人关注) Goodreads BEST BOOKS OF 2024(2人关注) NPR读者票选青少年读物Top100(78人关注) NPR读者票选漫画与图像小说Top100(10人关注)
” Since 2018, Russia has doubled and China has tripled the number of their intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) satellites in orbit, while also testing and fielding anti-satellite weapons. Meanwhile, the US has “the world’s best space architectures,” but its military ...
The Best of Npr: Eyewitness to HistoryThe Best of Npr: Eyewitness to HistoryA collection of interviews from the archives of National Public Radio highlights some of the key events and historical moments of the past twenty-five years.National Public Radio (U.S.)...
源: 十年前,NPR曾做过了一张历史上100本最佳科幻及奇幻列表,还画成了一张大图,后者被汉化后曾广泛流传。 今天,NPR又来做这样的表了,不过这次只限于2010年代,也正好与上次的100本的列表在时间上无缝衔接。
We talk about hard things. We try to help our children to understand them. We try to give them context. I do my best to plant the idea in my children’s minds that they have a role in it all – that they will encounter difficult things in life and that they will sometimes have op...
NPR原文:The 50 Best Science Fiction And Fantasy Books Of The Past Decade 我把相应的豆瓣条目汇总到了一篇文章里: 在这里,我们再稍微深入解读一下这个列表。 首先,这个列表相当ZZ正确,女性作者刚好占了一半,非白人作者、LGBT主题的比例也相当大。但无论怎样,有一张表...
NPR在线收听:What's The Best Way To Stop Taking Powerful Prescription Drugs.txt 27-Jan-2019 5.0K NPR在线收听:What Does The Justice Dept. Decision To End Private Prisons Mean For The Future.mp3 27-Jan-2019 860K NPR在线收听:What Does The Justice Dept. Decision To End Private Prisons Mean Fo...