4 p. 朝鲜族和汉族人群原发性高血压与ace基因多态性的关系 2 p. 海南黎汉族人群中高血压与ACE基因多态性的研究 2 p. 高迁移率族蛋白1基因多态性与原发性高血压在汉族人群中的关联性研究 3 p. 第六章 条约法 国际法 法法网2008年司法考试教材265613657 3 p. 海南黎汉族冠心病ACE基因多态性与危险...
Hypertension Natriuretic peptide precursor A (NPPA); NPPB
Christopher Newton-Cheh and colleagues report the identification of common variants at the NPPA-NPPB locus associated with plasma atrial natriuretic peptide concentration, as well as with lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and reduced risk of h
NPPB NPPBC NPPBH NPPBV NPPC NPPCC NPPCH NPPCR NPPCT NPPD NPPDS NPPE NPPEC NPPES NPPF NPPFI NPPFP NPPG NPPGA NPPH NPPHCN NPPHN NPPI ▼ Complete English Grammar Rules is now available in paperback and eBook formats. Make it yours today!
Much is known about the molecular and physiological ques inducing Nppa and Nppb expression; however, the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms of the Nppa-Nppb cluster in vivo has proven to be quite complex and is not well understood. In this review, we will provide recent insights into the ...
Using a biosensor for hyaluronic acid to measure the cardiac jelly (cardiac extracellular matrix), we confirmed cardiac jelly expansion in nppa/nppb double mutants. Finally, bmp4 knockdown rescued the expansion of has2 expression and cardiac jelly in double mutants. This definitively shows that npp...
Natriuretic peptide precursor A (NPPA); NPPBGenomewide association studies identified common genetic variants at the NPPA-NPPB locus and suggested that activating the natriuretic peptide system could help treat hypertension.doi:10.1038/scibx.2009.315None...
Genetic Dissection of a Super Enhancer Controlling the Nppa-Nppb Cluster in the Heartepigenomicsgene expression regulationmyocardiumnatriuretic peptidesregulatory elementstranscriptionalRationaleMan, Joyce C. K.van Duijvenboden, KarelKrijger, Peter H. L.Hooijkaas, Ingeborg B.van der Made, Ingeborgde ...
A: renin-angiotensin pathway; B: regulation by endothelin (EDN1); C: regulation by natruretic peptide (NPPA, NPPB, NPPC); D: the bradykinin-killikrien pathwayPeng, YueEugene, MelamudJohn, Moult
Natriuretic peptide precursor A (NPPA; ANP); B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP; NPPB)A study in mice suggests ANP or BNP might increase energy expenditure to help treat obesity. Further details on the research, next steps and licensing status are discussed in the article.SciBX: Science-Business...