PositionNameValue formatMeaning 1 name string The name of the Run command. 2 Ctrl "yes"/"no" The key mapped to has the Control modifier 3 Alt "yes"/"no" The key mapped to has the Alt modifier 4 Shift "yes"/"no" The key mapped to has the Shift modifier 5 Key integer The base ...
["c-0xF",-15],["d+0x1a",26]] because the third argument is true and there is one capture group, meaning that the matches will be represented as two-element subarrays, with the first element being the full text of the match, and the second element being the captured integer parsed ...
The improvement in the NPP Dukovany (4x440 MW) is related to the introduction of the plant to frequency control, meaning that the plant is operated not only in the base load operational mode but in the load follow mode as well. To achieve the improvement of plant operation, it was ...
Example: the following will Set the console tooutput_var: on, meaning we can use the output of the console run a SQL query from the fileC:\scripts\query.sql take the output from the console and put it into the active file at the cursor close the console clear the console NPE_CONSOLE ...
This work considers, as reference, the ADS used in Brazilian CNAAA NPP (SCA, a Portuguese abbreviation meaning Environmental Control System). The SCA is basically comprised by 4 modules: i) Source Term prediction module; ii) Wind Field module; iii) Plume Dispersion and dose The mobile dose pr...
2015-04-04 18:34 −1、下载地址 插件:Code alignment 下载地址 2、介绍 Based on principles borrowed from mathematics and other disciplines, code alignment gives extra meaning to you... StevensFollower 0 28317 Notepad++ 代码格式化 2017-06-05 17:21 −在阅读别人的代码时偶尔会遇到格式很乱,阅读...
traditional field research methods (i.e., line transect, quadrat, and belt transect) take up impractical amounts of time and labour, and are also difficult to use for a pixel-scale survey with a sense of real space, meaning that the detection accuracy obtained with satellite data remains lim...
Table 3 shows an unsuspected richness of meaning ful contrasts between treatment groups. As we predicted, IeM versus peM is distinguished by heter ogeneity of slope on both the GAS and the HDRS in all groups, indicating IeM superiority for the more severe. Previously there had been ...
Default value for sort_keys setting is now false, meaning keys are left in their original order by default. This will not change existing settings. Add optional arguments to stringify non-vectorized function in RemesPath, so that users can control the format of the output. Make dark mode icon...