“If constitutional reform with consultation and participation by the ethnic and religious minorities becomes a reality, Sri Lanka will be on the road to relegate ethnic conflict to the past, as in Western Europe” ~ (Dr. Jehan Perera,the morning, 5 March 2024). The national question of Sri...
Besides, JVP is not new to Sri Lanka, it is said that it has been active in politics for more than 52 years. Many of them came from rural corners, but none of them contributed to improving the general mentality at the rural level. Agro farmers in sl are far below compared to comparab...
Climate change is such an important topic and MUST be a central tenet in any manifesto document. There should be a serious acknowledgement of the risks and threats of climate change, which are far greater than the cancers of corruption, fraud, and stealing from the poor, from which o...
“I agree that no manifesto can spell out each nut and bolt and how and where they will fit. But I remain convinced that the NPP-JVP needs to tell the voter more about its economic policy. Saying it is ready to take over governance and guarantee an “adooshitha palanayak”is inadequate...