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ChordPro will read one or more text files containing the lyrics of one or many songs plus chord information. chordpro will then generate a photo-ready, professional looking, impress-your-friends sheet-music suitable for printing on your nearest printer. -- Generated with the help of dpt-gen-...
AdamPerez_Ray,音乐博主 音乐视频博主。AdamPerez_Ray的微博主页、个人资料、相册,。新浪微博,随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿。
Red lanterns, Chinese knots and dragon-themed decorations being seen everywhere, festive songs looping in almost every indoor area, billions of Chinese joining the world's largest human migration known as “chun yun”… As these familiar, once in a year kind of scenes unfold, we can clearly ...
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