and with the companys actual situation.Second who meet the conditions for membership in the Union constitution and the provisions of the China , has signed a labor contract with the company staff can apply to join into the union.Third apply for unionized workers, shall I put out the applicati...
;CONSTITUTION: A wafer W is placed on a polishing cloth 7 on a surface plate 6 in such a way that a device surface comes into contact to the cloth 7, the wafer W is pressed down by a top ring 18 and with a weight 24 of a necessary load loaded, a pressure fluid 23 is sent in...
3.2 章程 constitution 经社会组织约定程序制定,登记管理机关依法核准的社会组织基本纲领和行动准则. 3.3 内部管理 internal management 由社会组织法人以章程为核心,依法依规制定并落实内部管理制度,按照章程规定的议事规则协调 权力机构,决策机构,执行机构,监督机构及其他利益相关者之间的关系,促进自身健康有序发展的运 ...
CONSTITUTION:Slits 8, 8 concentrically passing through a cylindrical sealing vessel 3 are provided on a stator of a rotary system sealing type compressor, and the slits 8, 8 are made passages of discharging coolant. And the stator 6 is injected into the cylindrical sealing vessel by shrinkage ...