npm-stat Download statistics for package is-core-module From: To: View package on npm DateDownloadsDownloads per dayClick and drag in the plot to zoom inJan '24Feb '24Mar '24Apr '24May '24Jun '24Jul '24Aug '24Sep '24Oct '24Nov '24Dec '24Jan '250M2.5M5M7.5M10M12.5M Week...
package downloads is-data-descriptor 1,454,303,551To keep this site running and ad-free, I would appreciate a donation.All data comes directly from npm. The charts of this service are powered by Highcharts JS which is provided under a CC BY-NC 3.0 licence. is not affiliat...
Get npm package information packageName Type:string Required Package name npmstat.getPackage('npmstat') .then(pkg=>pkg) .catch(err=>err) //=> { name: 'npmstat', description: 'npm packages stats', ... } .getPackages(username)
static asset management for express/connect. Latest version: 0.0.5, last published: 12 years ago. Start using stat in your project by running `npm i stat`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using stat.
then(res => res) // => { name: 'npmstat', description: 'npm package stats', ... } npmstat.getPackages('bukinoshita').then(res => res) // => [{ name: 'react-cookies', version: '0.1.0', ... }, { name: 'is-github-repo', version: '0.2.0', ... }, ...] npmstat...
npm run dev # or yarn dev # or pnpm dev # or bun dev Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result. You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file. This project uses next/font to automatically optimize and loa...
报错了.后来思考了一下,可能是修改了node的默认安装路径.于是准备在出错的路径下建一个npm文件夹. 注意,有个时候会出现找不到AppData文件夹.看图: 看到这张图时大家应该明白了.因为这张图是隐藏起来的.大家要把他显示出来.至于如何在win7下显示文件夹,就不在这罗嗦了. ...
Error: ENOENT, stat'D:\NodeLearn\node-global' 原因是没有手动建立文件夹: node-global 和 node-cache,收到建立文件夹之后,就不报错了。 1 2 3 C:\nodejs>npm config set cache"D:\NodeLearn\node-cache" C:\nodejs>npm config set prefix"D:\NodeLearn\node-global" ...
安装nodejs > node -v v14.4.0 安装cnpm > npm i -g cnpm --registry=