<svgiconname="vue"></svgicon> classPrefix your can useclassPrefixoption to set the default class name. The default prefix issvg Vue.use(svgicon,{classPrefix:'vue-svg'}) It will be generated like this: <svgversion="1.1"viewBox="0 0 4 7"class="vue-svg-icon vue-svg-fill vue-svg-...
import Icon from '@xpf0000/vuesvgicon' Icon.register({ 'text': { 'width': 300, 'height': 150, 'raw': `<defs> <path id="path1" d="M75,20 a1,1 0 0,0 100,0" /> </defs> <text x="10" y="100"> <textPath xlink:href="#path1">I love SVG I love SVG</textPath> <...
error during build: TypeError: (0 , import_vite_plugin_svg_icons.createSvgIconsPlugin) is not a function at createSvgIcon (/home/app/git_repos/customer-visit-front/vite.config.js:54:64) at createVitePlugins (/home/app/git_repos/customer-visit-front/vite.config.js:100:20) at /home/app...
.master-icon aside {text-align: center; font-size: 12px; color: #99a9bf;margin-top: 30px;} `; fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `../examples/components/svgDemo.vue`), svgVue); //文件遍历方法 function fileDisplay(filePath) { //根据文件路径读取文件,返回文件列表 let files =...
//Vue.prototype.$video = Video // 导入iconfront import './assets/font/iconfont.css' import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'; //import SvgIcon from 'vue-svgicon' import VideoPlayer from 'vue-video-player' require('video.js/dist/video-js.css') ...
Download SVG Getting Started Install npm install @icon-park/vue-next --save Include Component Import an icon from@icon-park/vue-nextat the top of a component and then use it in the template tag: <template> <hometheme="filled"/> </template>import{Home}from'@icon-park/vue-next';exportde...
66% building modules 612/653 modules 41 active ...vue\src\components\icon-svg\index.vueNo parser and no filepath given, using 'babel' the parser now but this will throw an error in the future. Please specify a parser or a filepath so one can be inferred. 94% asset optimization ERROR...
安装了依然显示* !xml-loader!../../src/svg in ./node_modules/_babel-loader@7.1.2@babel-loader/lib!./node zepang commented Feb 24, 2018 @ZongDuCha you need to add loader to webpack config: module : { loaders : [ { test: /\.xml$/, loader: 'xml-loader' } // will load all...
问题描述:npm i 依赖安装成功,但是项目目录文件没有显示node_modules(之前我npm i,直接就是安装到当前项目目录,这次不知为何,仅仅是把package.lock.js文件删除掉后再npm i就直接安装到全局)
vm.$destroy()})it('icon 默认的 order 是 1',()=>{constdiv=document.createElement('div')document.body.appendChild(div)constConstructor=Vue.extend(Button)constvm=newConstructor({propsData:{icon:'settings',}}).$mount(div)consticon=vm.$el.querySelector('svg')expect(getComputedStyle(icon)....