importVuefrom'vue'importVueDragResizefrom'vue-drag-resize'Vue.component('vue-drag-resize',VueDragResize) Use the component: <template> <VueDragResize:isActive="true":w="200":h="200"v-on:resizing="resize"v-on:dragging="resize"> Hello World! {{ top }} х {{ left }} {{ width }...
<template> <vue-drag-subline:w="100":h="100"v-on:dragging="onDrag"v-on:resizing="onResize":parent="true"> Hello! I'm a flexible component. You can drag me around and you can resize me. X: {{ x }} / Y: {{ y }} - Width: {{ width }} / Height: {{ height }} </vu...
npm install @gausszhou/vue-drag-resize-rotate<template> <vue-drag-resize-rotate :w="100" :h="100" :x="0" :y="0" :parent="true" :draggable="true" :resizable="true" :rotatable="true" @resizing="resizing" @rotating="rotating" :r="0" > {{angle}} </vue-drag-resize-rotate> ...
{ "name": "vue-drag-resize", "version": "1.4.0", "version": "1.4.1", "description": "Vue Component for resize and drag elements", "author": "Kirill Murashov <>", "main": "dist/index.js", 0 comments on commit 700a707 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
<vue-draggable-resizable @resizestop="onResizstop"> dragging Parameters: leftthe X position of the element topthe Y position of the element Called whenever the component gets dragged. <vue-draggable-resizable @dragging="onDragging"> dragstop ...
│ └─ App.vue - 在线示例页面 └─ lib └─ components └─ GridDragResize - 组件目录 └─ GridDragResize.vue - 组件 └─ GridDragResizeItem.vue - 子组件 └─ index.ts - 组件入口 └─ style.less - 组件样式 └─ types.ts - 组件配套类型声明 ...
vue-simple-uploader-4ybolo A Vue.js upload component powered by simple-uploader.js adamstsui published1.0.0•2 years agopublished version1.0.0,2 years ago draggable-resizable-vue3-4reach Vue 3 Component to drag and resize. Based on draggable-resizable-vue3 ...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for draggable-resizable-vue3. Vue 3 Component to drag and resize.
🖖 A vue-cli 3.0 + typescript minimal admin template - Build(npm): update npm dependencies. · yixiuzheng11/vue-typescript-admin-template@f5cd4c4
A vue based PC form component, support add delete change check, virtual tree, drag and drop, lazy loading, shortcut menu, data verification, import/export/print, form rendering, custom template, renderer, JSON configuration...Browser Support ...