unplugin-vue-routeris a unplugin library created by@posva, same auther as vue-router. It provide almost same feature asvite-plugin-pagesbut better intergration with vue-router, include some cool feature like auto generate route types base on your route files to provide autocomplete for vue-rou...
定义组件名称, 便于 vue-route + keep-alive 动态更新. Latest version: 0.1.2, last published: 2 years ago. Start using vite-plugin-pages-defname in your project by running `npm i vite-plugin-pages-defname`. There are no other projects in the npm registry us
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vite-plugin-page-html. A simple and flexible Vite plugin for processing HTML pages, integrating multi-page application (MPA) configuration, EJS template support, and HTML compression.
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for vite-plugin-uniapp-pages-json. > uniapp pages.json 模块化 插件
{"dev":"vite","build":"vite build","preview":"vite preview"},"dependencies":{"@types/node":"^17.0.6","element-plus":"^1.3.0-beta.1","vue":"^3.2.26","vue-router":"^4.0.12"},"devDependencies":{"@vitejs/plugin-vue":"^2.0.0","@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx":"^1.3.10","@...
1、因为组件库一般都是 jsx 语法编写,所以要加上 @vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx,打包成 lib,编辑 vite.config.ts: // filename: vite.config.ts import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' import vueJsx from '@vitejs/plugin-vue-jsx' // https://vitejs.dev/config/...
webpack,这是一个模块打包程序,webpack-cli是一个使用webpack的命令行工具。 通过使用webpack,我们使用babel-loader在打包之前将我们的ES6代码转译为ES5。(在这个项目中我们采用webpack做为打包构建工具,当然你也可以选择使用vite。这都是看个人喜好。)
Vite 配置文件 vite.config.js 位于项目根目录下,项目启动时会自动读取。 本项目针对公共基础路径、自定义路径别名、服务器选项、构建选项等做了如下基础配置: import{ defineConfig }from'vite'; import{ resolve }from'path'; importvuefrom'@vitejs/plugin-vue'; ...
Vite 配置文件 vite.config.js 位于项目根目录下,项目启动时会自动读取。 本项目针对公共基础路径、自定义路径别名、服务器选项、构建选项等做了如下基础配置: import{ defineConfig }from'vite'; import{ resolve }from'path'; importvuefrom'@vitejs/plugin-vue'; ...
Instrumenting the code is an important step, which allows lines of code to be tracked by Storybook. This is normally achieved by using instrumentation libraries such as the Istanbul Babel plugin, or its Vite counterpart. In Storybook, you can set up instrumentation in two different ways:...