$ npm version premajor --preid beta v1.0.0-beta.0 使用from-git需要在当前git diff打上便签,且便签必须带上注释(annotated),不然会出错无法进行,如下面的情况: 1 2 3 4 5 6 $ npm version from-git --no-git-tag-version npm ERR! code 128 npm ERR! Command failed: git -c core.longpaths=...
npm update [-g] [<pkg>...] aliases: up, upgradeDescriptionThis command will update all the packages listed to the latest version (specified by the tag config), respecting the semver constraints of both your package and its dependencies (if they also require the same package)....
使用npm help <command>可查看某条命令的详细帮助,例如npm help install。 在package.json所在目录下使用npm install . -g可先在本地安装当前命令行程序,可用于发布前的本地测试。 使用npm update <package>可以把当前目录下node_modules子目录里边的对应模块更新至最新版本。 使用npm update <package> -g可以把全...
name: (module) hello_test_jackson version: (0.0.0) 0.0.1 description: A hello world package entry point: (hello.js) ./hello.js test command: git repository: keywords: Hello world author: Jackson Tian license: (BSD) MIT About to write to /Users/jacksontian/git/diveintonode/examples/03...
unpublish, unstar, up, update, v, version, view, whoami npm <cmd> -h quick help on <cmd> npm -l display full usage info npm help <term> search for help on <term> npm help npm involved overview 说一下package.json文件 package.json文件是用来管理项目本地npm的下载包,用npm init命令创建...
npm update-g npm npm install npm@latest -g --- 如果是 Window 系统使用以下命令即可: npm install npm-g 使用淘宝镜像的命令: cnpm install npm-g 使用npm 命令安装模块 npm 安装 Node.js 模块语法格式如下: $ npm install<ModuleName> 以下实例,我们使用 npm...
The predicate function is only available in .ncurc.js or when importing npm-check-updates as a module, not on the command line. This function is an alias for the filter option function. /**@paramname The name of the dependency.@paramsemver A parsed Semver array of the upgraded version....
With--target @next, update to the version published on thenexttag: 0.1.0->0.1.1-next.1 Options Options are merged with the following precedence: Command line options LocalConfig File(current working directory) Project Config File (next to package.json) ...
使用npm help <command>可查看某条命令的详细帮助,例如npm help install。 在package.json所在目录下使用npm install . -g可先在本地安装当前命令行程序,可用于发布前的本地测试。 使用npm update <package>可以把当前目录下node_modules子目录里边的对应模块更新至最新版本。 使用npm update <package> -g可以把全...
Default: true unless when using npm update where it defaults to false Type: BooleanSave installed packages to a package.json file as dependencies.When used with the npm rm command, removes the dependency from package.json.Will also prevent writing to package-lock.json if set to false....