# 手动更新$ npm update @xgqfrms/xui ✅ # 安全检查, 过期版本$ npm outdated# 更新全部 (未锁版)$ npm update# 强制更新某个包 (未锁版)$ npm update @xgqfrms/xui # npm 安装 最新版 安装包$ npm i @xgqfrms/xui@latest npm-check-updates $ npm install -g npm-check-updates $ npm update ...
NPM可以使用npm-check-updates库更新版本 1、安装: cnpm install -g npm-check-updates 2、使用: ...
However, if app's package.json contains:"dependencies": { "dep1": "~1.1.1" }In this case, running npm update will install dep1@1.1.2. Even though the latest tag points to 1.2.2, this version does not satisfy ~1.1.1, which is equivalent to >=1.1.1 <1.2.0. So the highest-...
To update a package usingsnap, we include that particular package name with thesnapcommand: $ sudo snap install node --classic The above command facilitates the installation of Node.js to the latest version on a Linux system by leveraging the Snap package manager. Furthermore, we use–classic...
Update all the NPM dependencies of the package to the latest versions, and make sure that the version numbers are not open but fixed to a specific version to avoid issues like Lombiq/Orchard-Base-Theme#84. Note that updating sass to v1.65.1 causes this issue: Lombiq/Orchard-Base-Theme#...
Update to latest minor version Get the latest minor version for each package. npx pu minor npx pu --target=minor#alt. #prettier: ^1.4.2 ➜ ^1.19.1#... Update to latest patch version Get the latest patch version for each package. ...
To update to the latest version of npm, on the command line, run npm install npm@latest -g 如有必要,则先更新npm 注意:升级之后可能会造成npm在其他项目不可用或者安装依赖失败等问题(可以通过nvm切换版本解决或者切换 registry,影响可控,大胆操作)❗ npm install npm@latest -g 2.1、准备一个npm账户...
npm verb update computing outdated modules to update npm verb stack TypeError: cb.apply is not a function npm verb stack at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:287:18 npm verb stack at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:184:5) ...
npm-check-updates upgrades your package.json dependencies to thelatestversions, ignoring specified versions. maintains existing semantic versioningpolicies, i.e."react": "^16.0.4"to"react": "^18.2.0". onlymodifies package.json file. Runnpm installto update your installed packages and package-lock...
When we want to update our package we need to do a few things: pull latest from our git remote, bump the npm version and git tag, push to our remote, push tags to our remote, and then runnpm publish. Phew, that’s a lot. In this lesson, we will set up areleasescript usingthe...