pnpm i svg-icon-iconify 2、引入 svg-icon 组件 // main.tsimport{createApp}from"vue"importSvgIconfrom'svg-icon-iconify'constapp=createApp(App)app.use(SvgIcon)app.mount("#app");// (可选)如果内网部署,需要配置 svg-icon 源和前缀// app.use(SvgIcon, {// iconOrigin: '/iconify', // 默...
cdsvg-icon npm i #startup a local server gulp SVG icon collections nameid prefixsourcesupported ant-designant- bootstrapbootstrap- deviconsdev- ...
TypeError: (0 , import_vite_plugin_svg_icons.createSvgIconsPlugin) is not a function at createSvgIcon (/home/app/git_repos/customer-visit-front/vite.config.js:54:64) at createVitePlugins (/home/app/git_repos/customer-visit-front/vite.config.js:100:20) at /home/app/git_repos/customer-...
@sitb/svg-icon 1.0.1-es5•Public• Published6 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm i@sitb/svg-icon Repository
size: icon size (default: 1em) mode: icon rendering mode (svg or css, default: css) Attributes: When using an icon from Iconify, an or <svg> will be created based on the rendering mode, you can give all the attributes of the native element. <Icon name="uil:github" style="color:...
其他一些小问题,譬如 Webpack 环境变量的兼容,SVG iCON 的兼容 对于需要修改到源码的地方,我们的做法是既保证能让 Vite 进行适配,同时让该改动不会影响到原本 Webpack 的构建,以便在关键时刻或者后续迭代能切回 Webpack 解决完上述的一些问题后,我们成功地将开发时基于 Webpack 的构建打包迁移到了 Vite,效果也非...
.master-icon aside {text-align: center; font-size: 12px; color: #99a9bf;margin-top: 30px;} `; fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, `../examples/components/svgDemo.vue`), svgVue); //文件遍历方法 function fileDisplay(filePath) { //根据文件...
default_icon_size 我们将为每个生成的图标组件加入默认的字体大小,当然,你也可以通过传入props的方式改变这个size值。 parse_local_svg 是否开启本地svg文件解析 local_svg_dir 本地svg文件存放文件夹的地址 生成自定义组件 执行npx iconfont-taro 生成自定义组件iconfont ...
Sketch icons is a completely open-source icon set with 600+ icons that makes it easy for individuals to utilise icons. The Sketch-icons Web Component is a simple and effective way to incorporate Sketch icons into your app. The component will dynamically load an SVG for each icon, ensuring ...