the stream module from node core, for browsers! This module usesreadable-stream, with additions for compatibility with npm packages that use old Node.js stream APIs. Install You usually do not have to installstream-browserifyyourself! If your code runs in Node.js,streamis built in, orreadable...
In this way, you can use browserify to split up bundles among multiple pages to get the benefit of caching for shared, infrequently-changing modules, while still being able to userequire(). Just use a combination of--externaland--requireto factor out common dependencies. For example, if a ...
| +-- stream-browserify@2.0.1 | +-- stream-http@2.6.3 | | +-- builtin-status-codes@3.0.0 | | +-- to-arraybuffer@1.0.1 | | `-- xtend@4.0.1 | +-- string_decoder@0.10.31 | +-- timers-browserify@2.0.2 | | `-- setimmediate@1.0.5 | +-- tty-browserify@0.0.0 | +--...
- npm , yarn , bower 是一类,包管理,- webpack ,browserify, rollup 是一类,javascript模块打包方...
$ npm install readable-stream --save --save-exact 1. install命令可以使用不同参数,指定所安装的模块属于哪一种性质的依赖关系,即出现在packages.json文件的哪一项中。 –save:模块名将被添加到dependencies,可以简化为参数-S 。 –save-dev: 模块名将被添加到devDependencies,可以简化为参数-D ...
使用npm+gulp+browserify网页前端开发 本文的目的在于使用npm进行js类库依赖管理,同时精简html中繁杂的导入。 目前类库加载器(如requirejs/seajs等)可以解决script加载的问题。但对依赖处理不好,还需要开发者一个一个去下载js库,根据个人喜好把js堆砌在项目中。 nodejs中...
"build-js": "browserify browser/main.js | uglifyjs -mc > static/bundle.js" 1. 但是,更方便的写法是引用其他npm run命令。 "build": "npm run build-js && npm run build-css" 1. 上面的写法是先运行npm run build-js,然后再运行npm run build-css,两个命令中间用&&连接。如果希望两个命令同时...
│└─┬ browserify@10.1.3│ └─┬ glob@4.5.3│ └── minimatch@2.0.10└─┬ npm@2.15.9├── minimatch@3.0.0└─┬ node-gyp@3.4.0└── minimatch@3.0.2 Please help.ghost commented Jul 11, 2016 Same exact problem. If I wait a few minutes, the install will continue....
{"name":"Sodruzhestvo","version":"2.0.0","browser": {},"browserify": {"transform": ["envify","brfs"] },"devDependencies": {"brfs":"","browser-sync":"","browserify":"","envify":"","exorcist":"","gulp":"","gulp-autoprefixer":"","gulp-changed":"","gulp-concat":"","...