npm error errno -4058 通常指的是一个系统级别的错误,具体来说是 Node.js 尝试访问一个不存在的文件或目录时抛出的错误。在 npm 的上下文中,这通常与 npm 的配置、缓存问题或权限问题有关。 2. 可能导致该错误的原因 npm 路径配置错误:npm 可能被配置为访问一个不存在的目录。 缓存损坏:npm 的缓存中可能...
npm ERR! enoent and is related to npm not being able to find a file. npm ERR! enoent npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! D:\code\anjularjs\npm-debug.log D:\code\anjularjs>npm-report --title="npm start error no -4058"...
忽略此程序包的旧依赖性npm install --legacy-peer-deps 当您npm 安装失败时可以试试上面这两个,多试几次。 3、关于esbuild 的bug 这里可以直接上github查看 Error: spawn C:…\node_modules\esbuild\esbuild.exe ENOENT · Issue #1361 · vitejs/vite ( 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ npm run ...
11 info lifecycle ant-design-pro@1.3.0start: Failed to exec start script 12 silly lifecycle ant-design-pro@1.3.0start: Returned: code: -4058 signal: null 13 info lifecycle ant-design-pro@1.3.0~start: Failed to exec start script 14 verbose stack Error: ant-design-pro@1.3.0 start: cros...
errno -4058 npm E 浏览10提问于2017-04-03得票数 0 2回答 npm开始产生错误 、、、 我正在尝试使用NPX创建一个react应用程序,npm install运行良好,但是npm start,它应该运行代码给出错误。下面是错误i 「wds」: webpack outputcode ELIFECYCLEnpm ERR! my-@0.1.0 start 浏览提问于2020-03-10得票数 1...
680 error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file. 681 verbose exit [ -4058, true ] My machine runs on Windows and has node 10.x LTS, npm 6.x, and react-native 0.57.8 installed. Solution: The matter was resolved quite some time ago, but I neglected to provi...
15 error enoent This is most likely not a problem with npm itself 15 error enoent and is related to npm not being able to find a file. 16 verbose exit [ -4058, true ] 解决:以管理员身份运行就可以工作了
npm i gltf-pipeline用这个确实可以安装到node_modules、package.json、package-lock.json这几个文件,接下来gltf-pipeline -i test.glb -o test-pipeline.glb -d报了-4058错误 回复2023-06-25 来自广东 陟上晴明: @菜鸟也能高飞 你需要写一个脚本到 package.json 里面,具体原因参看这个问答 👉 安装electron失...
code ELIFECYCLEnpmERR! errno 1npmERR! platform@1.0.0 start: `nodebuild/dev-server.js` 这种错误是80端口被占用 需要自己手动在任务管理器里面吧这个端口关闭下面是解决方案:1查找哪个程序占用 80 端口1)“运行”中输入 cmd2)在命令行中输入 netstat-ano (中间有空格),得到端口号对应的PID如图查看80端口,所...
npm error code ENOENT npm error syscall lstat npm error path C:\Users\hoang\AppData\Roaming\npm npm error errno -4058 npm error enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'C:\Users\hoang\AppData\Roaming\npm' npm error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file...