Kill the instance which uses port 8080 and runnpm run serveagain. In order to find which process uses port 8080, typelsof -i :8080in your terminal. Then kill it by its pid. Run http server with another port. Make sure your current directory is root playground directory before executing ...
varliveServer=require("live-server");varparams={port:8181,// Set the server port. Defaults to"",// Set the address to bind to. Defaults to or process.env.IP.root:"/public",// Set root directory that's being served. Defaults to,// When ...
>npm install --global serve Once that's done, you can run this command inside your project's directory... >serve ...or specify which folder you want to serve: >serve folder-name/ Finally, run this command to see a list of all available options: ...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于npm run serve 端口的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及npm run serve 端口问答内容。更多npm run serve 端口相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
*/// 1. the path that you provide to the express.static function// is relative to the directory from where you launch your node process.// If you run the express app from another directory,// it’s safer to use the absolute path of the directory that you want to serve.// 2. Expr...
$ npm config set foo:port 80 1. 最后,env命令可以列出所有环境变量。 "env": "env" 1. 十、常用脚本示例 // 删除目录 "clean": "rimraf dist/*", // 本地搭建一个 HTTP 服务 "serve": "http-server -p 9090 dist/", // 打开浏览器 ...
Optionaly check the Provision database throughput checkbox so that the RUs are shared amongst the several containers in the database, and specify 1,000 RUs.Also create a second collection named views in the dev database, as shown below, also with a partition key named /pk...
If we have a valid “package.json” in our local repository, then when we are going to install some packages we can specify “--save” parameter in “npm install” command, so that NPM will help us upgrade the dependencies part. For example, when I wanted to install “azure” package ...
-p, port:Specify custom port 端口 -d, debug:Show debugging information -s, single:Rewrite all not-found requests toindex.html 不常用 -c, config:Specify custom path toserve.json -C, cors:Enable CORS, setsAccess-Control-Allow-Originto* ...
在大多数情况下,在package.json中修改react-scripts版本并在此文件夹中运行npm install应该就足够了,但最好咨询一下变更日志,了解潜在的重大变更。 我们致力于将重大更改保持在最低限度,以便您可以轻松升级react-scripts。 Sending Feedback 我们始终欢迎您的反馈。