npm run test 非常方便,可以让开发人员快速轻松地测试代码,确保项目的质量。 2.npm run test 的基本用法 要使用 npm run test,首先需要确保项目中已经安装了测试框架,例如 Jest、Mocha 等。安装测试框架后,在命令行中输入“npm run test”命令即可运行测试。测试框架会自动查找项目中的测试文件,并运行它们。通常,...
记一次npm run test的错误解决 好多错 套中套 千层饼 用的npx create-react-app 创建的 说自带jest,我就写个jest测一下,看看 npx jest jest.test.js ok 没问题 npx jest jest.test.js --watch 报错 npm run test 报错 报的是 TypeError:fsevents is not a function 一开始没有定位清除 删了项目下的no...
Runnpm run mocha_test -- -g <version>where <version> is a minecraft version like 1.12, 1.15.2...Testing specific testRunnpm run mocha_test -- -g <test_name>where <test_name> is a name of the test like bed, useChests, rayTrace......
1,安装Babel转换器: npm install babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env -D 2,在项目根目录下新建一个.babelrc的文件,配置如下所示。 {"presets":[["@babel/preset-env",{"targets":{"node":"current"}}]]} 3,再重新执行 =》npm run test image.png 就可以执行成功了。
Live example: Tests This wrapper contains tests for: testing environment, chart rendering and passing down container props. To run tests, type: npm runtest Changelog The changelog is availablehere. ...
npm test --workspace=a Theworkspaceconfig can also be specified multiple times in order to run a specific script in the context of multiple workspaces. When defining values for theworkspaceconfig in the command line, it also possible to use-was a shorthand, e.g: ...
问题描述 npm run test:integration时,src/runtime/graph.ts报错:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ready') 原因 以data-process-parallel-edges.spec.ts为例,运行npm run test:integration时,会通过tests/integration/utils/canvas.ts的createContext创建
By running a command using theworkspaceoption, it's possible to run the given command in the context of that specific workspace. e.g: npm run test --workspace=a You could also run the command within the workspace. cd packages/a && npm run test ...
The Storybook test runner uses Jest as a runner, and Playwright as a testing framework. Each one of your .stories files is transformed into a spec file, and each story becomes a test, which is run in a headless browser.The test runner is simple in design – it just visits each story ...
In this field, type the Node.js-specific command-line options to be passed to the Node.js executable file. The acceptable options are: Use --require coffeescript/register to have CoffeeScript files compiled into JavaScript on the fly during run. This mode requires that the register.js file,...