npm run test 非常方便,可以让开发人员快速轻松地测试代码,确保项目的质量。 2.npm run test 的基本用法 要使用 npm run test,首先需要确保项目中已经安装了测试框架,例如 Jest、Mocha 等。安装测试框架后,在命令行中输入“npm run test”命令即可运行测试。测试框架会自动查找项目中的测试文件,并运行它们。通常,...
1,安装Babel转换器: npm install babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env -D 2,在项目根目录下新建一个.babelrc的文件,配置如下所示。 {"presets":[["@babel/preset-env",{"targets":{"node":"current"}}]]} 3,再重新执行 =》npm run test image.png 就可以执行成功了。 #115 で発生しました。 #115 ❯ npm run test:unit > express-jest-example-ja@1.0.0 test:unit > NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules jest __tests__/unit FAIL __tests__/unit/ha...
记一次npm run test的错误解决 好多错 套中套 千层饼 用的npx create-react-app 创建的 说自带jest,我就写个jest测一下,看看 npx jest jest.test.js ok 没问题 npx jest jest.test.js --watch 报错 npm run test 报错 报的是 TypeError:fsevents is not a function 一开始没有定位清除 删了项目下的no...
The library exports a single function that you can use to programmatically execute a Typescript file. import esrun from 'esrun' export async function esrun(filePath: string, options?: Options): Promise<void> export type Options = { // arguments to pass to the script args?: string[] = ...
And that each of the configured workspaces has a configuredtestscript, we can run tests in all of them using theworkspacesconfig: npm test --workspaces Filtering workspaces It's also possible to run a script in a single workspace using theworkspaceconfig along with a name or directory path: ...
If there is aserver.jsfile in the root of your package, then npm will default thestartcommand tonode server.js.prestartandpoststartwill still run in this case. prestop stop poststop pretest test posttest npm version preversion version
I wasn't able to persuade Jest to run on the bare source file, so it instead compiles and runs the CommonJS distribution file. License MIT Install npm ivite-plugin-singlefile Repository
问题描述 npm run test:integration时,src/runtime/graph.ts报错:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'ready') 原因 以data-process-parallel-edges.spec.ts为例,运行npm run test:integration时,会通过tests/integration/utils/canvas.ts的createContext创建
The Storybook test runner uses Jest as a runner, and Playwright as a testing framework. Each one of your .stories files is transformed into a spec file, and each story becomes a test, which is run in a headless browser.The test runner is simple in design – it just visits each story ...