参考:https://blog.csdn.net/sinat_41617212/article/details/129387876 1.删除node_modules 2.执行:npm i core-js --save 3.再执行:npm run dev。
执行npm run dev命令出现94% asset optimization ERROR Failed to compile with 2 errors These dependencies were not fond: 是因为项目中运用到了swiper轮播图,但还未安装swiper的插件,执行npm install swiper --dev就好了 PS:两个类似的错误,就是想把他们当笔记一样记... 查看原文 vue中使用轮播图组件vue-...
h These dependencies were not found: * @/components/HelloWorld in ./src/router/index.js * @/pages/home in ./src/router/index.js * @/pages/test in ./src/router/index.js To install them, you can run: npm install --save @/components/HelloWorld @/pages/home @/pages/test This relative...
启动vue项目报错 these dependencies were not found:element-ui in ./src/main.js 错误信息如下 解决方案 缺少组件,在这个项目的目录下,安装组件 我之前安装过了,但是这个安装是在c盘管理员的目录下面进行的 1、使用cmd命令切换到项目的目录下面 2、cnpm i element-ui -S 如果没有使用淘宝镜像的就使用npm i ...
Hi, I'm a beginner using node.js, electron and vue and now I get many errors (and also warnings) during compiling with "npm run dev" which I can't solve. I have no idea what is causing this errrors? I'm working on this software since day...
node-pre-gyp ERR! not ok npm WARN @babel/plugin-bugfix-v8-spread-parameters-in-optional-chaining@7.16.0 requires a peer of @babel/core@^7.13.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@2.3.2 (node_modules\fs...
我在我的项目中使用parcel-bundlerfor sass,我总是使用npm start而不是npm run build,它对我一直都很有用。但这一次,当我尝试在Vercel上部署我的项目时,它失败了,并显示“Error:Command”npm run build“退出127”? 我已经尝试使用Vercel CLI将CI环境变量设置为false,但仍然得到相同的结果。
Here’s how dependencies differ from devDependencies. Dependencies devDependencies Packages that are needed for the application to run in production. These packages are only needed during the development phase. Used specifically in the runtime environment. Used for testing, building, or linting the ...
Closed Description Darkein Darkein added Bugthing that needs fixing Needs Triageneeds review for next steps Release 8.xwork is associated with a specific npm 8 release on Jun 8, 2022 ranyefet commentedon Jun 8, 2022 ranyefet stormbard commentedon Jun 9, 2022 ...
Then you could just add local-dependencies.json to .gitignore and not have to modify package.json at all. That'd be the best of both worlds. You could totally delete node_modues and run npm install fresh locally and your symlinks would be restored (something you couldn't even do in ...