npm run dev Your application is running here: http://localhost:8000 ip:port 端口配置文件:config/index.js host: 'localhost',// can be overwritten by process.env.HOST port: 8000,// can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined...
Default: false Type: BooleanIf true, writes timing information to a process specific json file in the cache or logs-dir. The file name ends with -timing.json.You can quickly view it with this json command line: cat ~/.npm/_logs/*-timing.json | npm exec -- json -g....
命令行输入: $ lsof-i tcp:3000$ kill-9你找到的进程的PID 如果你在本地Linux运行,可以简单粗暴的 killall node 如果你使用了vscode remote SSH 远程登录服务器, 会同时杀掉远程登录进程 对于Windows netstat -ano | findstr :3000 tskill 你找到的进程的PID...
See config for more on the topic.For build steps that are not platform-specific, such as compiling CoffeeScript or other languages to JavaScript, use the prepare script to do this, and make the required package a devDependency.For example:...
To run these commands in a path where a package.json didn't exist add the flag --use <npm|yarn[@berry]|pnpm|bun> at the end.Versionsoutdated will check the registry to see if any (or, specific) installed packages are currently outdated.swpm outdated [<package>] [--global]...
npm run dev By default it starts HTTP server on port 8000 and HTTPS server on port 8001 and can be accessed as: https://localhost:8001/demo/index.html https://localhost:8001/demo/webcam.html 2022-01-1409:56:19INFO: @vladmandic/face-apiversion1.6.42022-01-1409:56:19INFO:User:vladoPl...
Optionally specify the Node.js-specific option parameters and the environment variables to be passed to Node.js. Specify the package manager to use. If you choose the Project alias, IntelliJ IDEA will use the default project package manager from the Node.js page. You can also choose the rel...
Optionally specify the Node.js-specific option parameters and the environment variables to be passed to Node.js. Specify the package manager to use. If you choose the Project alias, WebStorm will use the default project package manager from the Node.js page. You can also choose the relevant...
Clone this repogit clone Runnpm installto setup local package dependencies (run this any time you depend on a package local to this repo) Runnpm testto ensure everything is working properly ...
| Here is another profile, activated by the system property 'target-env' with a value of 'dev', | which provides a specific path to the Tomcat instance. To use this, your plugin configuration | might hypothetically look like: | | ... ...