报错信息: Failed to load config from xx/.../xx/vite.config.ts error during build: Error: You installed esbuild for another platform than the one you're currently using. This won't work because esbuild is written with native code and needs to install a platform-specific binary executable....
一、问题: 在做vite + vue3项目,由于前端页面加载过慢,处理vite相关优化时安装相关插件提示的报错信息,在这里记录是方便遇到同样问题的小伙伴能快速解决问题。 编译: npm run build 执行: npm install @vitejs/plugin-vue -D 执行: npm install @vitejs/plugin-vue -D --force or --legacy-peer-deps 二、...
针对你提到的“vite npm run dev 报错”问题,这里有一些可能的解决步骤和检查点,可以帮助你定位并解决问题: 确认错误信息: 首先,运行 npm run dev 命令,并仔细查看终端输出的错误信息。这些信息通常会给出问题的关键线索,比如是配置文件错误、依赖项问题还是其他问题。 检查依赖项: 确保所有必要的依赖项都已正确安...
Error: spawn C:…\node_modules\esbuild\esbuild.exe ENOENT · Issue #1361 · vitejs/vite (github.com) 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 $ npm run build--debug>admin@0.0.0build>vite build&&mv../public/_admin/index.html../resources/views/admin.blade.php buildin...
Since they are in the build graph, they are automatically hashed for cache-busting and run through Vite's built-in optimizations. Otherwise, for other situations where you can't include a file in the build graph, you can use the public directory: The public Directory If you ...
npm run build报错,望指导! ✓ 51 modules transformed. x Build failed in 1.20s error during build: Error: [commonjs--resolver] Missing "./lib" specifier in "solid-icons" package at e (file:///D:/Sam/FamilyApp/alist/web/node_modules/vite/dist/node/chunks/dep-B-u6xNiR.js:47581:25...
我无法运行“npm run dev”,因为Laravel已使用Vite更新 我也遇到了同样的问题,我做了以下事情,最终成功了! I did: 已将我的Laravel Project升级为Latest (v9.19.0)。事实上,我也把我所有的软件包升级到了最新的。 删除node_modules并使用npm install安装依赖项 确保正确遵循升级指南。 使用php artisan serve运行...
Vue3 typescript 在 `npm run dev` 正常运行, `npm run build` 构建时报错 'rewrite' 未在 regex.min.js 中导出? 1 回答1.1k 阅读 vue webpack npm run build 报错 2 回答3.7k 阅读✓ 已解决 vue 执行 npm run build 报错 求助大佬! 2 回答1.9k 阅读 npm run build ERR, 但RUN DEV正常 3 回...
failed to load config from /Users/zhanghb/Documents/testWorkSpace/vue-test1/vite.config.js error when starting dev server: Error: Build failed with 3 errors: (define name):1:0: ERROR: Expected identifier but found "import" (define name):1:0: ERROR: Expected identifier but found "import"...